# Identify your MAC architecture
MAC M1/M2 use apple silicon, which is an ARM64 kernel processor. Formal MACs are based on Intel x86 CPU.
# If you are using Intel based MAC
Install a virtual machine such as Vmware Fusion, then install an ubuntu in virtual machine. Besides, Gowin FPGA Designer have some issues on downloading bitstream in linux environment, install openFPGALoader to do this job. Refer to [https://github.com/trabucayre/openFPGALoader](https://github.com/trabucayre/openFPGALoader) for details. As USB-JTAG adaptor may have driver issues, I strongly recommend you to install openFPGALoader under native OS (MacOS).
The installation refer to []()
# If you are using Apple Silicon based MAC
Unforturenately virtual machine still does not work. The Gowin FPGA Designer do not support either MacOS or Apple Silicon CPUs.
The solution is remote server. I have setup some remote server for developing RISC-V chip(which is very close to the work environment in IC company). There are pre-installed tools such as git/vim/vscode/xpack-riscv-compiler/gowin-fpga-designer/iverilog/gtkwave etc. You can use "Microsoft Remote Desktop" in MAC App Store to access these servers. Contact me for server ip/user/pass info. The only tool you must install is the openFPGALoader, refer to above.